I was not going to speak on this since I have responded to some other threads about this, but this topic is important.
This idea that some of you have that people cannot write or create stories with characters that do not look like them is a problem for me. White people-
stop telling other white people they can't write POC or other people who do not resemble them. I'm sorry, but it seems to me that you just want people to write white, hetero stories. That's fine if that's what you want to do, but why do you think all white people
should want that. Diversity and inclusion are talked about constantly in the writing and publishing world. Why are you promoting less of this? Look, you want to write stories with Black women or a trans man, do your research, talk to some people, and write. Things are changing
in this world and we want to see stories that reflect the world we live in, not the world you live in. There are some stories I never have any intention of writing, but I am sick and tired of people being told they cannot write a Black woman into their story. Bullshit!
I know we are living in a scary time and even before this, there were people who were getting cut down because of others' perceptions of their work. Here's the deal: they were torn apart because they either used stereotypes or misinformation in their work or were not strong
enough to stand by their work. If you want to write about someone who does not look like you, do your homework. Find some sensitivity readers. You don't have to discard whole sections of a population from your stories. You just have to know how to write them truthfully and
real. I don't want to keep reading all white, all hetero stories. Put some color in your shit.
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