Is this, "Fuck Rogan because he's wrong?" Or, "Fuck Rogan because he's right?"

I think it's the latter, but if it's the former, how is he wrong? Be specific.
Yet, strangely, you didn't answer the question. And neither has anyone else responding to your tweet while mocking Rogan.

The fact that no one can answer his question proves him right, and sort of answers his question.
But more importantly, @hutchinson, Rogan was asking a legitimate question. And if we're ever going to have healing in this country, and overcome any of the racial problems that plague us, people need to be able to ask questions.
And they need to be able to do that without derision or mockery. No matter how stupid you think the question, or the person asking it, is, what harm does it do to just answer it?

Maybe they're trolling and you waste a minute or two of your life providing an answer. Or maybe they legitimately don't know, legitimately want to know, and answering them will get us one step closer to making the world a better place.

Do you want that or not, @hutchinson?
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