The Jedi and their flaws: a thread

The Jedi started out as peace keepers and settlers of dispute. But eventually they turned.... questionable.
Many of them became so obsessed with their code that they became disillusioned with the force.
Exhibit A. Mace Windu. He believed that because Count Dooky was a jedi-
He could never do anything bad. If he had listened to the force, he would have known it to be true.
Also, he doubts the return of the Sith, saying they couldn’t have returned without the Jedi knowing. Well, once again he had the power to find out but chose not to-
As he thought the Jedi were too powerful to look over something like that.
‘The code forbids it’. Surely, SURELY the code can be sacrificed for the good of the galaxy? Oh, wait...
The Jedi needed to learn that their code prevented them from seeing and feeling what was happening-
Around them.
Qui-Gon Jinn was the Jedi they should have been more like. The will of the force would have given them more answers then following the code and if they had, they could’ve prevented a war.

Now onto the contents of the code...
The code states you must sacrifice your emotions for peace. Sure, Anakins emotion was the death of him, but that was obsessive emotion. Human emotion is healthy. Cutting yourself of from them is dangerous as we see with Anakin in AotC and RotS. They needed to find balance.
So yes, the Jedi were flawed. They let ignorance and disillusionment overcome the could that they could have accomplished. Luke was correct. The old Jedi needed to end to make way for an organisation that would be achievable and welcoming for force users-
Everywhere. These new jedi would have emotion, love, and follow the force instead of a restraining code. Thank you, and goodbye
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