Thread: A defense of @fazeguff.

Hey y'all, I don't know how this is going to end but I wanted to talk about this hot topic since I saw many people arguing about the existence of this account.

I'd like to state my own opinion on that, too. (1/9)
Many people say that this account should never have gained that much traction and that a low-effort meme gains much more visibility than an actual artwork that takes time and effort.

Although I do agree that it's a shame that a wide guff walking gains more traction than... (2/9)
...An actual piece that might have taken days to complete, it's just how stuff is. Memes will always do better than actual artwork. Yeah it's a shame but it is NOT the fault of FazeGuff themselves. It's the fault of you, the one that gets to press the like/rt button. (3/9)
All the hate that is sent towards them is unjustified. You might dislike the outfit or dislike the fact that a picture of guff with a faze logo can outratio an actual argument, but you can't deny that there's a level of "smartness" here.

What FazeGuff does is "work" smarter, not harder. And that's a common saying. If you want to get a massive amount of likes, you must work smarter, not necessarily harder.
You can't really say that fazeguff is dumb because just look at the numbers, it works! (5/9)
If you're jealous of their success and you're absolutely angry because you don't get the same treatment that they do, you're clearly doing something wrong and also thinking badly. It should not affect you.
The same goes for other stuff. (6/9)
Wide Putin gets an incredible amount of acclaim while other pieces of art or even comedy plays get barely no visibility. And you can't say that Wide Putin is a high effort meme. (7/9)
All in all to say, you should not hate on an account that simply skyrockets because of a "dumb" reason. It works, it works. You can't do anything about it. They thought of making that meme in the first place, not you. They were simply smarter, even if it hurts to admit. (8/9)
There's enough hate and toxicity in this community and honestly we don't need no more of it, so please either just mute or block the account if it bothers you THAT much and move on. There's no reason to add more toxicity to this community.

P.s. Hope it made sense and that my points were clear to understand because i wrote that off the top of my head and in a hurry so i might have skipped some stuff roflol have a nice day
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