Energy Efficiency twitter: What is the alternative to EPCs that is ready to underpin legislation and advice at scale, at no upfront cost? I've been raising issues about aspects of it for a decade but don't believe it to be useless... 1/many
The system has the best dataset we have on UK property, an army of DEAs across the country, and a way of embedding targets in legislation - we see @parityprojects that MEES, 2030 Fuel Poverty Target and Net Zero are driving investment.
We need to be specific with issues so they can be addressed - we cannot afford to lose the system at this stage. A more agile RdSAP development approach would clearly help, just as SAP 10 will help with issues raised in related threads.
If you want more precision, at scale, come to @parityprojects. We ensure the correct make and models are included in datasets, dynamically model heat pump against insulation options, use future carbon scenarios (pick a year!), & you choose your mix of one or more target metrics
I say all this as someone who lived in a home RdSAP couldn't easily compute due to inter-seasonal heat storage & shared wind turbine. I think a route for exceptions-handling would be good if MEES accelerates, but we're the least of the housing stock's problems right now. end/many
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