I've been asked who Vinaldo and TPZ are. This is how I see it. Vinaldo created the hub account @RTSnyderCut . He let TPZ (stands for Team Pro Zack) into the account but the admins (Vinaldo, Fiona, Ramesh) didn't like what they were doing and voted them out, ... (1/11)
... which I'm clearly not surprised now. Since then they started a smear campaign against him and any people who are friends with him. An example of this is Abdul a TPZ harrasser whose twitter account got suspended because of the sh*t he said. There's a ton of ... (2/11)
... screenshots you can find showing the stuff he's said. This harrasment from these people even led Vinaldo to SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. This goes against everything our movement is founded on. What good is fighting for a movie to be released when those that are ... (3/11)
... fighting for it are bullying others to the point of suicidal thoughts. Also anybody who disagrees with them or likes tweets from people they hate are blocked by them. Therefore a huge chunk of this community has been blocked by them just because of association. ... (4/11)
... They may not have said anything to them or anything against them but are still blocked just for being associated with people they dislike. There are screenshots available that show TPZ members interrogating people, in DMs, asking why are you following this ... (5/11)
... person or liking this person. I for one when I joined this movement and was neutral but was blocked by many TPZ because of the people I was following and liking. A part of their smear campaign they labelled Vinaldo and people who follow him as ... (6/11)
... toxic. Their excuse is pretty much how Vinaldo, Fiona and many others were calling out incompetant snakes responsible for Josstice League (i.e. Johns, Emmerich etc). They defended these snakes even tho they backstabbed Zack and used the death of his daughter ... (7/11)
... to cover up kicking him out. Another thing they stupidly claim to be toxic is the boycotting and disliking of future DCEU movies. Why should people be forced to accept upcoming DCEU movies? By the way Fiona was the first person to get into contact with Zack... (8/11)
... and made the movement happen. Both Vinaldo and Fiona carried out many important events (the famous november 2019 event) and now they are being erased from the movement because of narcisttic clout chasers. Although everybody helped, ... (9/11)
... without these 2 we wouldn't be getting the cut. I've seen a lot of negativity against ppl defending Vinaldo, Fiona, Will claiming why should we be fighting when we've got the movie. Are you telling us to stand idly by while clout chasers have bullied people ... (10/11)
... off the platform and now erasing the history of the movement. No, that'd be immoral. (10/11)

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