My ex who has the look and energy of Rufus the naked mole rat used to repeatedly beg me and others to hold his hand whilst he took a shit. A grown ass man to a 17yo. Speaking to ppl I now know it’s beyond what I thought was strange but is actually a warped tool for control hehe
I was there thinking that you’re supposed to let the fella rlly choke you in sex without asking whenever he wanted, be as rough as he wanted, taking booty selfies and SHARING them without my consent is normal. With the normalisation crept in my fear he’d make me out to be a
Weirdo (when he’s the freak) cause I held his hand once after him begging hahahah YUCK. I felt so ashamed for giving into his weird kinky shit that I deleted some evidence of abuse, and didn’t go forward with anything cause I thought he’d blackmail me with lies. Fuck off rodent
He got drunk n would make a show of everyone and myself and he was so pathetic I nearly didn’t take what he did seriously. He threatened me and verbally abused me in the company of my parents. I had a blokia phone at the time so unfortauntely missed major opportunities to record
People don’t come forward also because this is a man who I tried to break up with, the next morning at 8am he was sat at the foot of my bed. He travelled from Dublin to Waterford with a HALF-EATEN MCDONALDS CHEESE BURGER and my poor sibling let him in. He wouldn’t leave then
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