Monoculture. Planting same thing over & over again for hectares upon hectares will be tough here. I won’t knock any hustle anyone else’s doing to keep hard currency in the country but it has pitfalls. World is moving back towards permaculture, see powerhouses like India....
First problem is chemical fertilizer, Urea is most used here, I’d venture to guess atleast 50% of the farms in the north use it. Heroin for your soil, 46% nitrogen! Whatever boost they give you creates a dependency & long term use has detrimental side effects.
The one that isn’t mentioned is overhead, your expense line with chemical fertilizer can be crippling. Hargeisa they sell 50kg for $50 usd. Go fertilize 25 hectares (46.5 football fields) with this, feel the pain.....
Permaculture, I use 9 dump-trucks ($55/each) of manure every 3 months, $490, peanuts in comparison & in-house compost. Slow & steady wins the race, over time by taking care of the soil right I’ll reach peak output with much smaller expense line. Quick fixes always have a catch..
Other major expense line with monoculture is chemical insecticide. Bugs will know season over season that thing they love is over there... no crop rotation, no intercropping, a bug convention. Like u walk into a mall food court & smell fried chicken, it’s on...
India has NGOs that teach/push permaculture, we got nada. To be positive we’re a blank canvas, we can be anything we want to be in the future.....
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