To most African tech people, having a global outlook means ”aping Silicon Valley” and consuming content from Hackernews and Ycombinator 24/7. This is the most ignorant approach to learning about tech and entrepreneurhip globally. It is a view but not the only view. Reddit similar
English language is an strength and a weakness. More of a weakness than a strength as it is easier for others to learn with the reverse not always the case. I see that here on Twitter too a lot!! There is much more happening than we know. English limits our knowledge.
Even within the English speaking world, there is a whole lot more happening beyond Silicon Valley. The strength of the valley has been it's ability to aggregate wealth and knowledge in one place. That strength is also being disrupted by advancements seeded from the valley.
I have learned a whole lot from the Valley and it is worth learning from. What I have also learned is that there is a lot that they don't know. The interesting thing is that they are hungry to know more of what they don't know outside The Valley. India/Asia is helping to do that.
The beauty of India is that it was once colonized by the British and there is a strong linkage between tech communities there and the growth of American tech. Major American tech giants also have CEOs of Indian origin. That bridge is particularly useful to both sides.
There is also a lot they don't know inside Africa but unlike India, Africans are not trying hard enough to learn more of what they don't know back home. We want to learn more of what will give us quick wealth from outside. The wealth is inside, NOT outside. Those people want it.
Even the Indians, Chinese, and Japanese want to know more about Africa and the wealth hidden within. Beyond land and mineral resources, the greatest wealth in Africa are the people and communities. There is more to learn about our resilence than our weakness.
While we spend all our time complaining about the things that make us seemingly behind, people are coming here to learn things that will move humanity in its entirety forward.

There is a difference between a deficit narrative and one of abundance. Cup half full or half empty.
Once we start looking at Africa differently from an abundance mindset, other knowledge, and resources that we think we lack will flow to us effortlessly.

This is my manifesto for the next 10 years.
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