Its easier to learn when you're happier as a family unit. Ttp, jika ayah sudah tiada, tak bermakna anak2 tak boleh ada IQ yg tinggi juga. Yg penting, waktu belajar sesuatu, hati harus tenang dan bahagia.
My late dad left us when I was 14. Waktu tu, hati tekad utk buktikan pd semua walaupun ayah dah tiada, masih boleh berjaya dgn cemerlang. Taknak saudara mara rasa kasihan, atau jdkan kurang kasih syg sbg alasan utk tak belajar sungguh2.
Peninggalan arwah ayah mematangkan fikiran lebih awal berbanding rkn2 sebaya. Thankful until today for being around good friends though, bcs I couldnt lean on my mom either. Knowing that I only have myself to depend on, bila ada je peluang utk belajar, ambil semua.
Utk menjadi seorang yg lebih baik drpd smlm, mindset kena betul. Jangan sesekali merendahkan kebolehan diri sendiri. Jangan sesekali kata diri sendiri bodoh, tak boleh buat dan sbgnya. When there's a will, there's always, always, always, a way. Jika buntu, minta jalan pd Allah.
Bila takut utk lakukan sesuatu, cuba tgk semula kenapa. Kadang2, our negative self-talk is the only thing that's holding us back, or society's way of thinking ingrained in us sejak kecil. Break through that, create your own perception of growth.
I mentioned my friends kan? Some of them are my peer role models tau. @raudhah___ for her compassion towards animals, laili for her passion towards art and internet at the time, Farahin for her patience. If you dont have a good family upbringing, choose good friends.
My younger sister and brother were having a hard time adjusting emotionally and were around bad influences. They were much younger, so its harder on them. Impacted them negatively far into their future. I couldnt do much to help because they refused to lean on family members.
Even though we faced the same tribulation, the way we view them, and the choices we made from then on set our life on vastly different trajectories. At the end of the day, your life is a series of choices YOU MAKE. Invest in yourself to create a life you want.
Yesterday, my fiancee said to me, "How did you even survive through all that?" (for things not stated here) Truthfully, on top of everything, I always ask Allah for protection. In return, He gave me opportunities to make good choices and good friends too.
Allah selalu kan sebut tentang tanggungjawab memelihara anak2 yatim dalam Al Quran? Percayalah Allah sentiasa ada♥️
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