i know i’ve been talking a lot to my friends and been vocal on this account about starting to really understand my ADHD and get on medication for it but i just can’t believe i’m nearly 22 and i’m only now realizing that what my two psychiatrists and 2 therapist and countless
guidance counselors in middle/high school thought was me just being lazy/mildly depressed/ having no motivation for god knows what reason was literally just signs of relatively bad ADD
i got diagnosed with a mood disorder and mild ADD at 18 when i was nearly done with my senior year even tho i’d had consistently terrible grades where i got high test scores and was clearly bright but couldn’t complete homework or projects, especially for classes that i wasnt
really interested in. everything wrong was completely overlooked by everyone and never investigated until further. i tried to explain so many times to so many teachers and counselors that i often just DIDNT have that little voice in my head telling me to do most stuff and now
i know that’s mostly the cause of executive dysfunction. it’s a very clear symptom. even now, IM the one who brought up to my therapist that i was looking more into female ADD symptoms and that i thought i was misdiagnosed and what looks like a bad mood disorder is really just
ADD, anxiety and depression mostly caused by the stress of not understanding why i can’t do certain things like keep my room clean or falling behind at work or not being able to remember anything short term. my therapist had to pull out her DSM last week to fact check what i was
saying. anyways this is a long winded way of saying, please do research into ADHD symptoms if you’re a girl and you’ve been struggling with mental health issues that don’t go away with anti depressants or mood stabilizers or if you see anything in this thread u might have
here’s some videos on tiktok i thought were helpful
You can follow @despondent_punk.
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