Dahyun easily gets hurt :(
But letting go of the thoughts helps her a lot.
She's very much affected by any behavior towards her because ISFJs are very observant. They are very in tune with their emotions and other people's feelings. So basically, they absorb everything. These things will invade their thoughts.
Don't worry. It's normal reaction to feel something. LMAO unless you have some neural imbalance. It's just the tendency of this type to absorb thoughts is a bit higher than other types. It's good to know that Dahyun knows what to do with her thoughts (letting it go) sometimes.
Do not forget. Recognize your feelings. Do not deny what you feel (even if it's bad or good). Accept the feelings. Name the feeling (Hey sadness! Hey btch happiness!). Know what to do with it (how you will deal with the feeling). .
These are the best ways to cope
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