ok this is obvious but to all my creatives...it is SO important to cultivate a fulfilling space. and to make sure that the energy of the people around you + your vicinity makes you feel valid and comfortable! doing creative things can already b so draining
i just had a proper fulfilling and anxiety-free day where i was also able to envision and feel worthy of working towards a "dream" life (so basically i was looking at antique furniture, etc.) and just seeing the things i loved, being in awe..it just made me xtra inspired.
i have not been creative in so long but today i even felt the desire to write!!! something that i don't often feel comfortable and qualified to do! and i didn't realise how important it was to be able to imagine and cultivate your space + life.
you need to b decisive + confident in your craft+creative life! existing in a space that is safe and inspiring is so important for that. i feel this even more particularly for my trans community. like how bhenji ra was talking abt being able 2 imagine the future as a trans person
and that is a TOTAL privilege! esp so many who are living in toxic/abusive households, etc. i love all the creatives in my life SO dearly and i admire your sensitivity yet inherent boldness. i hope that you are all able to envision your space and life, i love you all so much.
and that's why we need to work harder to make sure our drag spaces n are accessible+inclusive, actively dismantling hegemonic powers, inherent misogyny/bigotry/racism. we still have so much work to do to make our community a fulfilling one where ppl can be supported and flourish
obv this applies to everyone!! also have been realising how important it is to invest in yourself and to let yourself enjoy things, to feel worthy of love and joy. seriously i love u all and believe with all my heart that u r worthy of having a space that is yours + fulfilling.
you will b able to reach it! i admire and love every1 on here and am so inspired by how you all lead life with such creativity, braveness, empathy and resilience. i kinda got distracted and carried away with this thread but i think the mian takeaway is im sending love to you all!
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