Since ADHD is tending, let's talk about the medical reason for why my Twitter is mostly dumb jokes. It's not just lil kids bouncing off the walls /1
but actually manifests in my life mostly as issues with memory, procrastination and emotional disregulation. I have some self esteem issues too, as despite my pretty solid academic record- /2
I was constantly told that I could have done more/better/worked harder. ADHD is invisible especially if you're not hyperactive, and so are the difficulties that come with it. I have low level anxiety due to /3
always knowing that other people's expectations won't line up to what I can do, and forgetting shit constantly so needing to be on the lookout. If any of this resonates, feel free to message me and we can talk about it. One last thing /4
is that many of the symptoms of ADHD are commonly experienced. What makes them ADHD is the severity and the impact. Everyone loses things, for example, but I have lost (for example) three hats in the last year. One of them was real nice. /Thread
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