k so entrapta worked w the horde for a longass amount of time in the show too n her redemption arc (??) was explicit bcs she really had to make amends w the other princesses while addressing her issues too but catra. where was that for catra
idk man on one hand it's slightly....... weird to see them acting like catra didnt endanger their lives n fucked w their heads on multiple occasions like i would expect anyone to go hordak-crazy on her ass after everything, but on the other hand they saw what catra needed n how
she was Trying To Do Better.......... but r we Really not gonna get an apology or explanation or something ????
idk man ang idealized......... i love catra i just wish she had to work for it more instead of doing a total 180 out of seemingly nowhere
adora bow glimmer had every right to be mad at her but that doesnt mean theyd deprive her of what she needed (see: bow vs glimmer fight)........ idk if this is making sense tbh all im saying is that catra's redemption arc shouldve gone on longer/started sooner
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