I don't want to take away from this much needed momentum in correcting the systemic sexual harassment of women in gaming. I do want to note that in order for this movement to retain its integrity and impact that we be careful what we lump into this problem at large.
Yes, there are important cases of mishandled situations and discomfort, but if we look at the evidence provided by accusers themselves with honest objectivity, I think we still need to ask, is this part of the core systemic problem or a personal beef/isolated misunderstanding.
Those personal beefs may still absolutely be very valid outings, but I think it harms this movement to collectively lump in the one-off miscommunications and truly repentant and demonstrably changed offenders (to a degree) with those who are actively part of the systemic problem.
There are sexual assault victims who've said they feel hurt seeing certain offenses lumped in with the extreme crimes committed upon them. While no one deserves to feel any level of discomfort, I think this is something to be mindful of when reading through these offender lists.
In my line of work (working with gaming creators), I have some and often final say on who gets to be part of sponsored deals. There's a difference between recommending against working with someone because he grooms female viewers and someone because he cheats on his girlfriend.
In both cases, that guy is a garbage person. But one is a systemic issue where he is actively using his position of power and influence to harm others and the other is a personal thing that is no one's business but theirs. Unless, he's cheating... by grooming female viewers... 🤮
Just... I hope we can stay focused on the core issues and not just look at these lists of names and paint them all with the same evil brush without the context of at least reading the accounts from the accusers. Let's put in the effort to avoid creating a totally new problem. ❤️
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