Today is June 22nd, Windrush Day

"WELCOME HOME!" was the Evening Standard headline, as the paper sent a plane to greet the Windrush in 1948. That headline was because a third of the 400 Windrush passengers were RAF servicemen from the Caribbean, returning to Britain post-war
Correct link to Patrick Vernon - @ppvernon - a persistent driving force of Windrush campaigns, both to secure historic recognition and address contemporary injustices, for many years
Small Island is streaming on YouTube from the National Theatre until Thursday. We watched it at the weekend: a tremendously powerful production - and a perfect way to mark Windrush Day today too
Pathe newsreel of the Windrush's arrival (46 seconds)

Lord Kitchener, a passenger on the boat, sings "London is the place for me" at 2 minutes in on the Pathe report
We talk of Windrush as the beginning of post-war immigration. The 1948 headline captures why it is better understood as a new chapter within the longer history of Empire & Commonwealth, service & contribution which made Britain the country we are today 
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