Mr. Overstreet,

I’m two days late reading your tweet. However, it’s for certain the #KHive is NOT slandering any Warren supporters. If anybody that’s doing the name calling and slandering besides Sander supporters are Warren Supporters.... This 100 Activists...
.. and well known scholars have undermined minority candidates in consideration for the job. According, to that disasterous lette written, it’s clear that we know who’s best suited for the job. Also to my point about Warren surrogates, there were high profile Black supporters
....of Warren that continuously scandalized #KamalaHarris time and time again with Op-Ed articles smearing her prosecutorial record. If I call their names out, then I would be characterized as a “Twitter Thug.” Not be long-winded, I’ve mentioned to you a few days ago...
... I prefer a candidate that BRINGS both experience and representation. A Black Women NEEDS a seat at the table. The best Black Woman for the job as VP is Kamala Harris. We may not agree with the same candidate, but I hope you understand where the K-Hive is coming from...
... in terms of representation. Once again, I hope this thread will give you a clear understanding of the #KHive. We’re not toxic at all. We just don’t like when others smear her character and record.
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