#WWDC20 thread.
For the first time in ten years, will be watching #WWDC with zero work distractions, thanks to my parental leave. Really excited about that :)

Here’s my wishlist:
iOS 14:

- Better homescreen organization. Like most people, I have 100+ apps and moving them around is a pain. I just rely on the swipe down search.
- Speaking of search, it needs to be faster and less “jumpy”
- Shortcuts are great but need better organization/grouping
- Better multitasking. I can never tell what app will show up if I do the bottom swipe
- Music app: Bring back Smart Playlists via Shortcuts app
- FaceTime: Minimize a video call a la PiP mode
- Home app: Again, better organization and more powerful Automation via Shortcuts
iPadOS 14:

- Swift Shortcuts
- iTerm and zsh and the ability to, say, `brew install node` into /usr/local (!!) to enable local development
- HealthKit and health apps, read-only at the very least
- Apps to record system audio, so I can record @telugubytes
- Multitasking, take 2, please! Split View and Slide Over are good attempts but the gestures have never been intiutive
- A full-blown Swift IDE and a path for other languages/frameworks
macOS 10.16:

- Messages app ported from iOS
- Shortcuts app and Swift Shortcuts
- iOS apps on Mac and their widgets on the “Notification center”
- Revamped notification center
- Memory/CPU throttling for rogue apps - **cough** Slack and Chrome **cough**
tvOS 14:

- Shortcuts support: Run a shortcut on iOS to turn on TV, launch Netflix and play X. Reduce volume to 10% or bump back to 50%
- Better homescreen: the grid of apps is not enough. Widgets at the very least
- FaceTime using an iPhone/iPad camera or even better, iSight (!)
watchOS 7:

- Sleep tracking (with an accessory)
- Strength training in Workouts app: track reps using accelerometer/gyro, track form using iPhone/iPad camera
- Measure Oxygen saturation, especially in light of COVID-19
- Kill “apps” that no one uses and revamp complications / watch faces
- Watch faces should be more fluid (based on time of day, location and other parameters)
- Third-party watch faces to achieve ^

These might be just wild fantasies, but:
- a 14” ARM MacBook with USB4, true 2x panel, small bezels, FaceID
- a reasonably priced 32” 6K monitor (or iMac with Target Display Mode)
- “HomeBar”, a Soundbar + Apple TV hybrid that runs tvOS
- A sleep band Watch accessory
Will continue this thread during the keynote. Looking forward to an amazing #WWDC20 tomorrow!
You can follow @dhruvtv.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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