My friend, the activist Peter Verzilov was seized by Russian Police yesterday and has been detained & interrogated for the past 24 hours with no news of when or if he will be released. He was poisoned last year but survived. This is serious. Please draw attention to this.
Apparently he is being interrogated about organizing “riots” in Moscow last July. He was in Estonia when these protests occurred. His association with Pussy Riot and subsequent activism critical of the Putin regime makes him a target. This is totalitarian fascism at work.
You can follow my friend Nadya from Pussy Riot on Twitter for updates: @tolokno. Please spread the word. The more eyes on this worldwide the more pressure it puts on the Russian authorities not to do harm to Peter. Nadya’s IG:
You can also find updates in English at @pussyrrriot
You can follow @BeauWillimon.
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