people may dislike me or call me a khanpiracy theorist ... but i strongly belive nd think 26/11 was inside job .

probably motivation is to pin blame on safforn terror and play equal equal to islamic terror to defame hindus for centuries & link it to samjuha blast - co purhit .
one good doctor named behavin who sits in Australia from india has put our very very good thread on 26/11 - hemanth karkare - diggy - rana .... but seems he has deactivated his account .
it was an inside job , david coleman headley - rahul butt surveyed all posh areas - details -photographs - road maps- jewish home addresses went to paxtan - 10 terrorists came minimum 3-4 days prior to 26/11 - local ms helped logistics , vehicles to them for survey .
read above link !

nobody can come via sea route to mega citi like mumbai and steal cars and go inside taj - or nariman points .

is tht a joke ? how come anybody can know roads - u turns - singal lites.
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