I don’t understand the point of writing a Black character as a white pearls on if the character is “not meant to resonate more do with [B]lack readers.” Why bother? Cookies from fellow white people?
This person also started a whole new thread because of “name calling” in the other thread and I looked through it, and... the worst thing she was called was a racist. 🤔
Straight up weaponized white fragility. IF you are white and asking a question that a Black person would have insight on and you’re not paying them, the least you could do is listen and not be mad when you don’t like the answer? Like I know white ppl as a whole are conditioned to
Always think what we have to say is worth saying. This is a whole new level though.
I read through lots more of this thread and honestly she seems like she’s mad that some people are getting mad for one thing (not wanting her to write Black characters as POV) and her getting scared of fulfilling another stereotype of having a character of color as the
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