reasons to live, a thread, since this one is blowing up and is completely useless
1. Life is not static; it's in constant movement, much like the waves of the ocean. Each wave that comes brings with it new experiences, and each one is different. Just as the bad waves can sometimes show no mercy, the good ones come along and refresh us. Nothing lasts forever.
2. You never know what tomorrow will bring. How many times have you been upset about a problem at 2am only to feel differently about it after a good night’s sleep? Perspective makes the impossible feel possible.
3. Life has good and bad. So why do we blame ourselves or other influences when things go wrong? Life will throw everything at you, life will have dips, life will be unfair. But you have the power to change that. See the good in the bad, and you'll soon see a lot less of the bad.
4. Purpose is something different. You don’t need to change the world. You just need to shift your perspective, from ‘what you can take from life today’ to ‘how you can contribute to life today.’ YOU don’t have to find your purpose in life.
5. You don’t own yourself the way you own an object. If you’re religious, maybe your life belongs to a higher power. Or if you’re not religious, maybe it belongs to your loved ones or some greater cause. You have a moral obligation to yourself as a locus of divine value.
6. You may have depression, which is an illness and it is treatable. If you found out tomorrow that you had cancer, would you end your life or would you fight back? Depression is an illness, and it’s as real as any other illness, with symptoms that are both physical and emotional
7. Depression can be caused by genetics, brain biology, loss of a loved one, difficult relationships, childhood experiences or stressful situations. If you are depressed it’s likely due to a factor beyond your control, but what is in your control is your decision to get help.
8. As a living, breathing human being, you have a great capacity to love and be loved in returned. When you have depression, it can be very difficult to feel that love. According to Good Therapy, depression can prevent you from feeling love for a spouse or family member, and even
trick you into thinking that any love you felt in the past wasn’t real. These feeling might happen in episodes or intensify over time. It’s important to believe in love – believe you can give it and receive it again.
9. You are not alone. The way you feel is individual, but there are so many people who also feel the same pain. Knowing you’re not alone can help ease the decision to get help.
10. You will feel whole and healthy again.
I don’t say this as trite consolation. I know this because I have seen it in action. I know that healing is possible. I have seen teens who felt just like you get the help they need, treat their depression and move on to live happy,
fulfilled and successful lives. When you choose the path to heal, a new world of possibilities opens up for you. It’s time for you to find out what’s waiting for you in that world.
11. You are incredible. You may have laughed at this, but you are. You are unique, real, alive and you have the strength to take control and seek the help and hope you deserve.
12. At one time or another, everyone will feel ashamed. Naked, powerless, and insignificant. It may seem like it is just one thing after another. It may even feel like your heart is shattered, or even your soul has been murdered. You can survive and move on.
I hope this thread has helped some people but I know I can only help so much as I do not know your personal feelings, so if you are having suicidal thoughts please contact one of theses numbers.
Teenline (This is a crisis hotline for teens to talk to other teens): 800-TLC-TEEN AFSP American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: 800-273-TALK(8255) Trevor Lifeline (Crisis line for LGBTQ youth): 866-488-7386 Bullying Hotline: 800-273-8255
National Eating Disorder Association: 800-931-2237 National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Hotline: 877-437-8422
You can follow @Skoodwidit.
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