I’m honestly ashamed to tell people I’m from Alabama because stuff like this. I love the South, I love the hospitality, the land. But this hatred here runs from the meth heads to the Bible thumpers and I’m tired of sitting back and saying, “Well, some people just suck.”
We haven’t heard from the Governor in a month, county officials won’t vote to DISCUSS the moving of the confederate monument in front of the COURT HOUSE, and the president is more concerned about the numbers at his party than people dying of COVID or police brutality.
This country, this state, this county has the potential to be the greatest the world has ever seen, but we seem to be pissing it away worried about which side is the right side. Not about our fellow Americans. Trump was right about the need to make America great. But he missed
The part where WE have to be the ones to do it, and make no mistake, it needs to be made great for all people for the first time in this nations history.
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