My homegirl that lives on Lenox told me on her walk with her man and dog today she saw a pile of fireworks just chilling, untouched and unbothered. Fast forward a couple hours and people (unsure if it’s residents or actual cops) setting them off in the middle of the street 🤨🤔
I really do believe there is a small group of people setting it off for fun but I firmly believe the increased supply is coming from the ops left in neighborhoods. Similar to the stockpile of bricks during initial protests.
Usually when people are setting off elaborate fireworks, people are putting it on their lives - i don’t follow all of uptown nor the Bronx but the fact that no lives of lighting fireworks this elaborately have been shared on Twitter? Idk something seems iffy
I’ve seen two people on IG do it and neither group had enough fireworks elaborate enough for the shit going on. Even the Bronx Karen video the fireworks were blocks away I’m just sayinggggg
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