
"The Democrats might be falling into a trap."

Water might be wet.

Flame may be hot.

Cognitive rigidity is deadly.
I AGAIN must congratulate @realDonaldTrump on two things:

His ability to cloud the minds of the majority of humanity.

And his Judas goats.
"I've talked to conservative personalities I know who may not actually support him this time."


Because Biden is the better candidate, as all conservatives know.
Guess what?


Imagine that.

The economy is totally shut down, and there's no recession.

But as all conservatives know, Biden is the better candidate.
The mind boggles.

"Trump had a tiny rally!"

It was bigger than almost ALL of Hillary's rallies.

Hillary didn't have her rally during a global pandemic, during a civic state of emergency, with the press screaming that everyone was going to DIE.

Guess what's happened to Tim:

He's joined the media elite.

Now he's out of touch with reality.
The media elite still doesn't know why the polls were so wrong in 2016.

I do.

The pollsters themselves explained.
1. A huge number of people changed their minds at the last second.

2. Most Trump supporters don't participate in polls.

3. People who never voted before can't be polled.
The media elite--including Tim--think of Trump as an idiot who had no idea that he would win.

It's like the old joke about the dog chasing cars:

What would the dog do if it actually CAUGHT the car?

Tim thinks Trump was a dog chasing cars.

After the #2020Trumplandslide, Tim will say Trump got lucky again, the way he always does.

Let me tell you what ruins so many arts and sciences.

Artists and scientists.
Ideas become set in stone, and then artists and scientists begin to reject reality rather than embrace ideas that conflict with their orthodoxy.

It takes me YEARS to find proof of ideas that I think MAY be true.

I always find that proof.
Here's what I have to do:

Search in languages I don't speak.

I have to use ARCHAIC versions of the languages.

And then I find that information in scans of old books.

There are no experts today. Only advocates.
Imagine all the lost history.

In the case of Trump, it's fine that people remain frozen in amber.

It's what Trump wants.

All this hamster-wheel blather gives Trump total freedom.

The only disconcerting aspect is how limited people really are.
The narrative among the media elite is that Trump won as a joke candidate, like the towns that elect dogs as mayors.


I never watched this Quigley Down Under, but this scene popped up in my recommendations. ENDING SPOILER ALERT.
Quigley uses a Sharp's rifle.

Not a pistol.

Trump is Quigley.
This is all so easy for me to see.

But I'm not cognitively rigid.

I didn't know anything about Trump. After I researched him, I KNEW:

1. He'd win.

2. He'd be the best president we ever had.
I watch movie reviews.

Nothing is more boring than people saying "we" when explaining away their own deficiencies.

A British intellectual said that the pandemic exposed how "we" all all vulnerable to chucking our values and becoming savages. Every man for himself.

I didn't.

Nor did I hoard water, canned food, prostitutes, or moonshine.

I simply carried on.

Today my accidental adoptive son called. He burst into tears as soon as he started talking to me.
He came through all his surgeries fine, but he needs an endoscopy to see if he has esophagitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

As we were talking, I fooled him.

I asked him if he had a bunch of symptoms.

The symptoms are for Barrett's esophagus.
Barrett's can lead to esophageal cancer, which when caught early has a 5-year survival rate of less than 50 percent.

So I didn't tell him what I was diagnosing.

He has none of the symptoms.

He's scared out of his mind about COVID-19, thanks to the media.
I hold @Acosta personally responsible for causing needless psychological suffering.

Jim's deteriorating physical appearance tells me that he's in hell, so that's good.

But I had to talk to my son for two hours to calm him down.
He's not fragile.

He just had a bad moment.

I made him laugh a lot.

The media elite are 100 percent negative, so they miss out on most of what's good in life.

I'd like to lock some of these people in a room with me and tell them stories of my life.
I wouldn't hold back.

They'd all have nightmares for months.

Part of being clearheaded is that you avoid tripe.

A movie reviewer said he'd never watch this film alone, before he went to bed.
I was laughing.

A guy gets engulfed in flames, and he just stands there.

Toni Collette opens her mouth so wide that she looks like a computer graphic special effect.
These movies are funny to me because nobody reacts the way the do to REAL such situations.

The reactions are feeble approximations by people who've never suffered any horror in the entire lives.
Don't get me wrong:

It's GOOD that most people haven't lived through that level of horror.

But movies give everyone the wrong idea.

People react in real life the way people react in movies.
Not ALL people, of course.

No hysteria here.

The nutter survived.
But listen to the idiot daughter:



No nationwide riots. Most Americans are grounded in reality.

They aren't disoriented by movies and being trapped in a circle of superficial elites, MANY OF WHOM ARE ACTUALLY JUDAS GOATS.
Too many people want to be "influencers."

Trump and @VP Pence and @parscale and @JaredKushner are the real deals, AND IT HASN'T GONE TO THEIR HEADS.

I knew that being president wouldn't go to Trump's head. HE SAID IN 1984 THAT HIS OPULENT LIFESTYLE WAS "CUTE" BUT MEANINGLESS.
"The football thing is cute, Trump Tower and the piano and all of that, it's all cute, but what does it mean? he says, sounding what borders on a note of uncharacteristic despair."
Not despair, for God's sake.

Some idiot wrote a book about Trump called Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success.

That title is about THE AUTHOR, not Trump.

The author can't imagine someone WHO IS THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF BARACK OBAMA.

Remember the last, horrible week of Obama's presidency?
Time slowed down to a crawl.

Obama and everyone else acted as though he were being FORCED OUT.

Some of the psycho lackeys WERE CRYING.
This is all so WRONG.

It's a complete perversion of what politics is supposed to be.

Well, ain't nothing we can do for the cognitively rigid.

Knowledge is power. When you refuse to learn, it weakens you. And you ALWAYS end up unhappy.

Trump makes me happy.

He simply can't be defeated. Anybody who STUDIED him would know it.

But informed opinions are too much to expect.

That's fine.
Not my problem.

But I'm not experiencing the same stresses that so many others are.

I'm not even slightly worried.

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