I live on a very main st and there’s a bunch of construction happening atm.

So I wasn’t super surprised to get a works notice claiming disruptions to parking spaces and road access etc etc.

Now here’s the thing dear reader, I live above a biscuit shop, gym to the side of us, cafes and the like also. It doesn’t look residential so companies usually don’t realise that our driveway is a driveway. So when I get works notices I just give the contact person a call.
They are ALWAYS lovely. I’ve never had one not appreciate me letting them know something that could potentially cause them trouble. It’s actually quite heartening how open to calls they usually are since mostly my experience with sites is not giving a toss how much this disturb.
So the usual chat

“Hey, JSYK this spot here is actually residential so it cannot be blocked and please give info our address and not just the biscuit shop” (Reader the biscuit shop is treated like our receptionist FAR TOO MUCH, just ring the doorbell posties).
Super understanding. Super lovely. GOOD NEWS.

“The works are actually all on the opposite side of the road so there will be no disruption to your property at all but thanks for letting us know!”

“Great news. Thanks so much. Have a great rest of your day”
Today is due to be the first day of works. Expecting some noise but nothing serious.

Suddenly there’s no hot water.

Oh, it’s gotten a bit cold suddenly. Maybe the external heater conked out and just needs a relight.

I’ll just head outsiii...

And so after all the good news. A lovely community manager and solid communication on the first day of works I walked out my front door to a party
They have Leroy Jenkins’d themselves into a gas main. (No injuries, no worries, getting fixed.)

I’ve chosen this way of describing it cause I got to chat to the Fireys about it and they just seem bemused and amused at HOW MUCH this company threw themselves into a gas main.
So now me, the gym owner and the biscuit shop are all just sitting in our respective windows watching the fireys just seem real done with having to supervise fixing this fuckery.

Daily entertainment sorted.

Quote from my partner
“Digging a hole is now a spectator sport”

Add on:

My partner was saying they reckon there is an untapped market in essentially “production management” for builds.

Like with so many different parties involved surely there are centralised points ensuing that connections/registers/council forms etc are all consistent?
I’ve moved into multiple new builds where things have been mis recorded to councils, mis addressed with essential suppliers or just plain not connected to parts of the infrastructure.

Are those mistakes or is there just not a “production manager” type role in construction?
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