A weird thing about being a romance author on twitter is that you develop pretty good creep radar, because you're kind of a safe target for people who want to say creepy things about sex to a stranger without getting in trouble.

Because talking about sex is our JOB, right?
And sometimes they're not even saying it to us, but the way they talk about sexual content in books/romances is just so SUPREMELY weird and not okay, and after a decade of being online & especially having written erotic content... I've been lightly sexually harassed SO MUCH.
And honestly a big reason why I am not talking about the sexual content in my books on twitter as much is that the last 3 years have been a raw trigger nightmare in the news & I couldn't handle strangers constantly assuming they got to say wildly sexual shit to me 24/7.
But it definitely did help me develop a pretty keen sense for red flags. In a very depressing way. 😣😔
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