1) The Theodore Roosevelt statue will be removed from the Natural History Museum in NYC. The museum's president said it was because of the "hierarchical composition" of the statue, & not Roosevelt himself.

But Roosevelt was a genocidal imperialist & overt racist!

A thread 👇👇
2) Roosevelt was president in the early 1900s, when the U.S. was becoming a global empire. Before that he led a regiment of U.S. troops in the war that defeated Spain, allowing the U.S. to occupy Cuba, annex Puerto Rico, & super-exploit the Caribbean & the Philippines for decades
4) On top of all that Theodore Roosevelt was an open white supremacist and a staunch endorser of Eugenics, the pseudo-scientific movement whose calls for sterilization, population control, and racial purification directly inspired the Nazis.
5) In his defense of white supremacist "heritage" Trump has half a point: tearing down statues of racists & war criminals IS a "slippery slope." Once u scratch the surface u realize its all rotten. Yes, even "liberal" icons like FDR, JFK, Obama

The whole damn system needs to GO!
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