Had a conversation yesterday about how teachers really affected my self esteem and confidence as a kid. They found joy in embarrassing and ostracizing me in front of other the kids. and this was in like prep school. The worst part is, I thought it was warranted
It wasn’t until yesterday after truly looking into all that happened it dawned on me that teachers would really go as far as projecting their anger and insecurities onto CHILDREN. Do you know how messed up that is? Of course I wouldn’t tell my parents. I didn’t really understand
In what world is telling a child to turn around and face the wall because you “don’t want to see their face” okay? How??
It got to a point where I’d be scared to do things because I just knew I’d “get in trouble”. Imagine as a kid thinking you have no luck. Imagine wondering “why me”. Imagine believing that you were actually rude. Losing self confidence as a child. My best bet was to remain silent
It really messes you up man. These scars cut deep. I didn’t know where this lack of self confidence truly stemmed from and I figured this out just YESTERDAY. I had to go waayyyyy back in thought. Some people shouldn’t have been teachers
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