My live stream was cut short. RPD and VSP are standing off with demonstrators at the J.E.B. Stuart statue. Starting a new thread here for further updates.
One officer was asked why he’s here. “It’s my city too,” he replied asking protesters to leave.
Sgt Bridges just said “Seriously, back up” and then pulled down his gas mask.
Police are pushing up. Chemicals idk the name of are in the air
It’s very dark out, but the officer I caught firing his gun in this video has been firing non-lethal rounds at protesters since he got here.
Police used pepper spray to push the crowd off the median. Showing my press badge, I was grabbed by an officer and thrown to the ground. I don’t know how much I got on video. At a friend’s apt now trying to clean up.
VIDEO: Listen to me yell “I’m press” at officers as they started to use pepper spray on demonstrators. They sprayed me in my face and covered my phone. Shortly after, I was thrown to ground my an officer I bumped into.
Here’s my elbow after getting thrown to the ground by a police officer i bumped into while filming.
Skin is red from pepper spray. I’m out of the field for tonight.
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