China: The Bubble that Never Pops is out June 22.

It's the product of 11-years living and working in China.

It's also the result of reading a lot of great books on China.

In this thread I highlight a few of them.

First – order the book here:
China’s economic growing pains, financial stress, and two-steps-forward-one-step-back reform process are not new.

Growing Out of the Plan by @bnaughton provides essential context on the Deng era.
The Political Logic of Economic Reform by @SusanShirk1 is a richly researched treatment of the dynamic between politics, economics, and reform in Deng’s China.
Worried about China’s hidden bad loans, mushrooming shadow banks, and a massive unproductive state sector?

So were analysts at the end of the 1990s. For an analytic time capsule read China’s Unfinished Economic Revolution by Nick Lardy from @PIIE
How many times have you heard that China ‘learned the lessons of the Asian Financial Crisis’?

How much do you actually know about the Asian Financial Crisis?

Read ‘The Chastening’ by @PaulBlustein – he knows a lot.
The locus classicus of worry about China’s financial system?

Few books have a better claim to the title than Red Capitalism by Carl Walter and Frazer Howie
My way of learning about China? Move there, study Chinese.

Hank Paulson’s approach? Become Chairman of Goldman Sachs, then Treasury Secretary.

Both work. Paulson had more meetings with Zhu Rongji. Read about them here:

@PaulsonInst @MacroPoloChina
China’s millions of migrant workers typically appear as downtrodden bit-players in the larger drama of development.

In Factory Girls by Leslie Chang they move to center stage as dynamic drivers of the story.
You can follow @TomOrlik.
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