Happy Father’s Day to everyone out there with absent or abusive dads;
a thread.
As someone with an absent father, I understand the pain of being surrounded by people whose dads are supportive, loving, and just all around good fathers. I know that sometimes it feels like the world is rubbing it in your face. I know how it feels to keep all your frustration
bottled up because you know there isn’t really anybody responsible for that. I know blame makes things easier, and I know you’re hurting right now. And I KNOW today is a really hard day for you. It is every year. Especially when you have access to social media because Dad
appreciation posts are everywhere. It can feel like you’re missing out. Like a “the grass is greener on the other side” type thing. As someone who understands all of this completely, I want you to know that your feelings are valid and important. You are allowed to be sad or angry
and you did not do anything to deserve this. Parents are people, and as such they are responsible for their own mistakes/wrongdoings. If you’re seeing this on Fathers Day, and seeing all of the positive posts makes you feel negative emotions. Take a break. Put your phone down,
and celebrate someone else. It could be yourself, or maybe if you have a friend whose dad you adore you can shoot them a text and tell them that. Or maybe you have another person in your life who you see as a father figure, be it a teacher or family friend or something. Today
doesn’t have to be about your biological dad. Today doesn’t have to be something you dread, just something you prepare for.
Thread over ps when i said put ur phone down i was talking ab social media lol and if u liked this thread and feel generous u could rt and share it’d mean the world. happy fathers day luv u
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