As of rn I have heard *NO* fireworks coming from the blocks surrounding my house. They usually start by 5-6. Our neighbors quickly mobilized last night in both Spanish & English to explain to our young folks we believe they're being used as pawns in some sort of unclear scheme.
Bc they had already admitted they noticed the man/men were selling them absurdly cheap/clearly not from around here/suspicious, they &parents seemed to generally come to the same conclusion.

I hear them in the distance, tho. Some lil ones seem jealous/bummed hearing the booms.
"but how come THEY get fireworks!" & we remind them all over again we believe that the ppl setting those off are bad adults who are trying to get kids in trouble, or are kids who don't realize that something is going on.

Stoop to stoop. House to house. I'm proud of us.
Even if they start up now, late, it'll be 10x less than just last night.

The teens caught on to what we were saying right away. Old heads have been sharing about the history of infiltration of blk political movements & what they've seen in the past.

Stoop lessons are essential.
Just heard my first baby sparklers & a few little pops. LOL fine with me 😊

For the time being we've told them no buying from strangers, bodega only, no fireworks after 12 & the history behind why we're concerned about the late night fireworks. They've been pretty cool about it.
And now, bed. On time for the first time in weeks.
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