I want to say "thank you" to whoever posted this at my OPC race & theology lecture: "I don't think most people who misunderstand Dr. Bradley realize that he is strongly founded on covenant theology and not evangelicalism." I *finally* feel understood!
I was raised high-church Wesleyan Methodist then jumped into the deep end of covenant theology. Had no idea what evangelicalism was until after seminary, post Boice. The phrase "evangelical movement" sounds like another language. I have no idea that means. Not my background.
I graduated from Covenant & Westminster seminaries. As a covenant student, covenant theology was in every class. For me, the center of the redemptive story is The Covenant (not "God's sovereignty" nor "substitutionary atonement" etc.). Covenant theology is not evangelicalism.
This is, Christ of The Covenants. So, my approach to race in the church is covenantal, not evangelical. Watch the video, massive difference. I hear RTS profs are releasing a Covenant Theology book & I just hope it's the original(non-evangelical framework). https://www.amazon.com/Christ-Covenants-Palmer-Robertson/dp/0875524184/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1P08UBFJ0IX1C&dchild=1&keywords=christ+of+the+covenants&qid=1592786003&sprefix=Christ+of+the+%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1
I feel like I'm one of the "The Last of the Mohicans" because Covenant Theology was traded-off & pushed to the sidelines by the "Sovereignty" camp. There are even non-Covenantal Presbyterians right now? The covenantal emphasis isn't "church growth" enough & no longer centered.
As Covenant Seminary seeks a new prez, I pray its someone who wants to reestablish the emphasis on covenant theology in the preaching DNA of grads from the peak years: 80s/90s!!!/etc. & wants to continue the RPCES/Dutch Reformed/Schaeffer/etc. influence. https://www.covenantseminary.edu/presidential-transition/
Covenant Theology provides so many more intellectual resources so that "the gospel" isn't overused/muddled to do the conceptual heavy lifting it's not intended to do. No need for "The Gospel and _________," when I have tools like "Covenant, Kingdom, and Mediator" and Triune God.
And, for the record, you are not a covenant theologian or pastor, if you reject the covenantal baptism of infants. Period. https://www.amazon.com/Case-Covenantal-Infant-Baptism/dp/0875525547
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