Cancel culture from 5-10+ years ago dismisses the right to grow and adapt as a human being.

Accountability must lead somewhere but a culture of rejection and harassment shouldn't be a part of it, rather accepting a path of understanding and the means of moving maturely on.
It is a toxic cycle that should be changed.

Accept someone’s growth without assumptions and focus on other important issues at hand.

We all need to understand this if you want to see change in the world.
Let people get caught up from their past mistakes, tumble a bit, sure. But guide them. If you don’t want to support, then don’t. But let people own their words and actions, and if they’re responsible enough to grow forward, please let them.
We live in a time where we can take words from say 2008, and misconstrue people to how they are shaped and formed to 2020 today, and that is far from the same cut and fold as 2008.

We live in an open platform where it is graciously right to call out people on these actions.
I have been quiet for a bit because of my grandmother’s death being top priority in my heart, but enough is enough. Cancel culture is not worth it. We shouldn’t bring people down, we should walk and educate with them as adults.

And if that is not in your view, so be it.
Draw in your own opinions and let it be if said person will not change or acknowledge their past differences, or if said person/persons understands their actions and will move on in a different perspective of who they were prior.
We are all in this transformation and movement together, least we can do is just acknowledge, support and move on.

If not, then it’s fine. Not everything will change and that is the reality we are face with.

Face the change. That is what will help the world today.
You can follow @sincerelyivy_.
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