There's a whole cadre of journalists of color who work tirelessly *for free* trying to diversify this industry: running youth journalism workshops, editing cover letters, being therapists for each other when we have to navigate racism inside and outside the newsroom...
... scouting talent when young JOC's often don't get the visibility they've earned, lobbying hard to get JOC's hired, writing our own diversity reports to convince our editors to hire more Black reporters (I did this once!), and on and on...
...What we do not need is phony allies, people who purport to care about this stuff but don't do the work. If you do care, help us out! ....
...Donate to organizations that do this work, leverage your connections to get a young JOC a foot in the door, offer your technical expertise ...
...I hope that one thing that comes out of this industry-wide reckoning is more allies, more people we can call on for help in doing this work. Anyways, happy Sunday folks. Did I thread this right @anchorlines?
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