Pretty wild watching hundreds of TrueAnon brigaders scream "cop" in my mentions because I was like, "white people shouldn't be issuing orders about whether photos are allowed at BLM protests, but here are some tips for being good about photo opsec at protests generally"
Like, lol

1) in no way does it say "ackshully show people's faces plz"

2) it has a bunch of tips for how to be carefully about NOT posting incriminating photos

3) dirtbag chuds literally think racism is a "distraction," they're mad bc they want to co-opt BLM for whites
The reality is, there are advantages to folks posting photos of movement action, there are also risks and disadvantages to hardline 'no photos ever' stances.

White folks should listen for Black consensus & follow, not make absolutist proclamations about what is or isn't allowed.
Saying, "white people should not assume Black consensus about BLM strategy" is not the same as me issuing a declaration of my own about what opsec is or isn't allowed.

That's literally exactly the kind of declaration I am saying white folks should not make re: Black movement.
An overwhelmingly white bunch of dirtbags are mad that I called their podcast faves out for pretending racism doesn't exist, and they are disingenuously mass-brigading me to "criticize" something I didn't actually say.
This is about time number 15,343,394 they've tried this kind of shit, and I'm not going to waste any more of tonight dealing with them trying to gaslight the internet into believing that my saying "white folks' job in BLM is to listen, not decree" is some kind of psy-op.
This is white dirtbags literally trying to erase the issue of racism from the BLM discussion, they want it to be about "class-based" police brutality rather than police brutality against Black folks, and they're furious whenever anyone says white people need to check themselves.
They think talking about racism is "idpol," they think talk about "racism" is a distraction, and that's why they mass brigade and abuse anyone who dares critique the way white people show up in Black movement spaces.
You don't have to like me or think I'm right, but don't enable that shit.

Be very clear that these guys are here because they are class reductionists desperate to push their reactionary politics, a politics that says "only class matters, racism is a distraction."
I've never said it's great to post photos of protesters' faces, I've never suggested that there aren't Black folks asking people not to post photos or that they shouldn't be listened to.

These are bullshit strawmen built by people who want to erase race from BLM.
Think critically.

Don't enable the assholes.

These dirtbags aren't people who care about violence against Black people.

They are people who want people to stop acknowledging that Black people are disproportionately affected by police brutality.
Be smart.

The end.
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