Really beginning to think we had "jim crow" cause Southerners had to live in local proximity with hue-mans whose military age males are known to be impulsive with 50% being below "mentally impaired" IQ metrics, had no other means to address this short of half-hearted relocation.
The Jungle/Savanna peoples forcibly removed from their homeland without developing industrialization independently have serious issues adapting to the Juedo-Anglo civilization that is occupied by northern euro-mutts?

Why didnt the racists engaging in slavery see the long term 🤔
The "black" problem is probably similar to how Romans viewed Germans and Picts: an issue of dumb military age males.
One thing that relates to this is how black families are missing father figures... they lack an organic discipline hormone dispenser called their father.

Like it is clear what is going on. The racial component, aka lower base IQ compounds with male IQ deviation, is secondary.
After reading this thread, who do you think is the real desired targeted by feminist campaigns like "teach boys not to rape."

I am pretty sure it isnt for the high IQ Jewish boys.
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