
Thank you for the great, thoughtful answers to my question:

"Why are the Democrats doing all this?"

@victorious_2020 nailed it.

By "he," she means @realDonaldTrump
It's really that simple.

There's no "if" in her answer.

And she's correct.

Here's another way of saying the same thing, from @Alice72850
Now, looking back at military history, we see that the only people who fight HARDER after they know they've lost are fanatic.

Ideological or religious fanatics.

In World War I, there was almost no hatred between the combatants.

Except on the Italian front.
The Italian front was fueled mostly by rabid nationalism and religion.

Unspeakable atrocities were committed by all sides.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire had Germans, Hungarians, Poles, Croats, Bosnians, Serbians, Italians, Czechs, Ruthenes, Slovenes, Slovaks and Romanians.
There were entire units of Muslims in the Austrian-Hungarian army.

The Italians were fanatical Catholics and nationalists, in that order.

Here's part of photo of German troops who'd just won a battle against Italians.
These are trench raiders, armed with pistols and hand grenades.

They're numb with shock.

The Italians initially put up a frenzied fight and refused to surrender.

They had to be killed with flamethrowers.
On the western front, trench raid COULD be bad, but usually they weren't.

You can find tons of photos of smiling prisoners.

Here are Austrians captured by Americans.
In World War II, the Imperial Japanese and the Nazis became frenzied as their inevitable end approached.

Plenty of German prisoners had to be beaten into submission.

As in, literally clubbed with rifle butts until they stopped.
The Battle of Berlin was one of the most violent of the war.

And then AFTER the war, the Wehrwolf insurgency ended up in the Allies using absolutely savage methods of suppression.

We took hostages and executed them, razed towns, brought back the GUILLOTINE, and so on.
After Germany, we weren't going to go through that again with the Japanese, so we just dropped atom bombs on them.


The Japanese claimed to be fighting for the emperor.

Well, after he agreed to surrender, JAPANESE OFFICERS ATTACKED THE PALACE.
The emperor had recorded a surrender announcement.

Officers disarmed the guards and broke into the palace.

The palace stewards dodged them from room to room, passing off the surrender recording from one person to another.
Someone took it outside and handed it to a courier who got it to the radio station.


The station employees managed to convince the officers that the recording never arrived.

After ransacking the place, the officers left.
They drove down the street, screaming and throwing #Resistance leaflets out onto the the streets.

Then they all went home and killed themselves.



They were simply berserk, like the Nazis and the Democrats.
I'll tell you the funniest story ever.

The German submarine U-234 was ordered to take technical drawings, examples of the newest electric torpedoes, one crated Me 262 jet aircraft, a Henschel Hs 293 glide bomb, and 1,200 pounds of uranium oxide to Japan.
Two Japanese naval officers were on board.

On May 4, U-234 got a message that Hitler was dead, and his replacement--Admiral Karl Dönitz--ordered that all German U-boats surface, raise the white flag, and surrender.
The German skipper submerged and had a talk with his crew. He decided to obey the orders and set sail for Newport News, Virginia.

The two Japanese officers drew their weapons and ordered the Germans to continue to Japan.
The Germans overpowered the Japanese, put them in torpedo tubes, and fired them into the depths.

Then they surfaced, raised the white flag, and continued until they were intercepted by two American destroyers.

The Germans surrendered without incident.
The Democrats KNOW they've lost.

That's why they're doing all this completely demented, self-destructive stuff.

They aren't thinking.


At the next rally, protestors will be kept a block away.

If mayors refuse to cooperate, DHS takes over.

Problem solved.

And Trump will have "snap" rallies, the way he did in 2016.
The most deadly tactical weapon in World War II was the British Hawker Typhoon single-seat fighter-bomber.

It dropped bombs, fired rockets, and was armed with four 20mm cannons.
Typhoons wiped out entire German armored columns before they could even reach the battlefield.

Here go the rockets!

Look at the massive warheads.
And the sad German wreckage.

Armored vehicles flew up into the air and did somersaults.
The Germans called the "Jabos" (Yabos), short for "Jagdbomber."

There are stories of survivors CRYING decades later at how TERRIBLE it was to see all their mighty weapons turned to scrap metal by a couple of aircraft.

Well, that's what happens when you start world wars.
Trump and @parscale and @JaredKushner are Hawker Typhoons.

The Democrats are the Nazi future scrap metal.

So THAT'S why the Democrats are doing all of this.

The Jabos ROARED when they came in.

The Democrats hear the growl preceding the roar.
They're running in circles--bonking heads, tearing out their hair, sobbing, laughing, punching themselves in the face.

And the Typhoons continue their run.


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