This expose thread is going to be about Princess Aliiya al-Zahrani of Jeddah or shall I say Rahim Ali of Tower Hamlets

Rahim Ali claims to be the princess of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) living a lavish and expensive life on snapchat (sc: aliiya.z) where he poses as a female when in
reality he is a Bengali 21 year old man from east London. He went to Morpeth School in east London and many of my friends and students of Morpeth can confirm this. Here is a picture of Rahim Ali before his fame and here he is posing as princess Aliiya
He claims he has an investment company at the shard in London but when you search for it, NOTHING comes up. Firstly that font of the logo is trash asf, secondly I did some research and found the original pic
Here is the original photo and it belongs to Arma Partners located at The Shard in London. Rahim Ali used his poor photoshop skills to print on “Aliiya” and claim it as a photo of his Investment company. I’m sure he’s fooled and scammed many people by now.
Rahim loves to refer himself as “Her Highness” but no one calls him that except himself. On snapchat, he puts on a fake accent and pretends he struggles with English when this mfer grew up and currently lives in east London LOL. If you’ve noticed, he even uses voice filters on sc
to hide his real man voice. He also fakes his lavish and expensive life style
where he’s driven around by his personal chauffeur, buying expensive bags, trying out expensive dresses, flying out to different
Countries, walking around with his body guard. But funny thing is that all these snaps look like they’re recorded with a microwave. A rich women like you can’t afford a new phone? There’s rumours that he pays people to record these for him and she posts it after hence why some of
His snaps say “uploaded from camera roll” but others say he has a sugar daddy that pays for all of his stuff and helps with the fake life style.
He even goes as far to claim this handsome man as her father when in reality his dad is an old Bangladeshi mesab. His captions sound hella incestrous
He once posted this on Snapchat showing support of the concentration camps against Chinese Muslims :/ your OWN people
LOADS people have contacted me on twitter regarding my tweets about princess Aliiya and they all seem to have the same things to say. This is only just 2% of the DMs I’ve received. The princess of Saudi, hanging around in a gay bar? Make this make sense!
Furthermore, anyone that even believed him to be the princess of Saudi is a fool. When you search for aliiya al zahrani on google nothing comes up except his Snapchat filtered pictures. No mention of family history NOTHING. If she really was the princess of Saudi she would not be
Using snapchat the way she does. She would not be dressing the way she does since modest clothing is expected of women in Saudi. Any person living in Saudi Arabia would ask who the F is she.
Rahim Ali has been doing this for YEARS now and it’s gone too far. He’s an imposter and its about time he gets exposed for his fraud and lies
Rahim also has also spoken offensively against south asian maids and servants working in Saudi when he is a Bengali man himself
The princess of Saudi exposed; worked in McDonald’s in Liverpool Street
You can follow @kevandokht.
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