So. That was a stressful few days.

I am grateful for my friends who showed support to me and to others.

I am grateful for the people who reached out to broaden their understanding of what was going on.

I am extremely grateful for the people who were so outspoken.
The Irish comic community is incredibly dear to me, and it broke my heart to see so much pain continuing to spread through it.

I hope as a community we can come out of all of this stronger.

I hope we can all be more informed about the issues of harassment and bullying.
I hope we can all be open about mental health, so that those who need help aren't afraid that the actions of one person won't paint them with the same brush.
I hope the support that has been shown in the community continues to be shared, not just to those struggling with abuse, but to those who create to share their passions.

Make art. Write stories. Create costumes. Celebrate others.
I was asked this weekend what values our community has. I hope I've made even a few of them clear in this thread.

We have each other's backs when someone in wronged.

We lift each other up, against adversity and during times of creativity.

And we do it because we care. 🧡
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