Also, for those who say, “Yyeeaahhh but some women lie about being raped” 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Thank you @SSLaw008 for making me aware of the nuances not captured in this infographic! For those who won’t see/read the article, I’ll summarize the three problems Slate points out:
1. It assumes 1 rape per rapist. That inflates the number of men who rape and doesn’t show that on average rapists have six victims.
2. It overestimates the number of unreported rapes. RAINN estimates 54% of rapes go unreported. (I disagree with this being an “issue” since it is UNKNOWN. Also, 100% of the rapes my friends have survived were unreported, sssoooo...)
3. The graphic OVERestimates the number of false accusations. It also does not differentiate between a “false report” (claim a crime happened) and a “false accusation” (naming a supposed perpetrator).
All said, I still think this shows how weak the “but women lie” argument is and reminds us to BELIEVE WOMEN and BELIEVE RAPE SURVIVORS. They risk so much to speak up. What do you risk by believing them? What do you gain by not?
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