ugh i'll just say it

saying The Last of Us Part II is a very basic game about "violence and revenge" is like saying Mad Max Fury Road is a car chase movie

the genre is just the vehicle. i honestly am BAFFLED at critics who say the game is nothing but violence
all the criticisms against The Last of Us 2 about how it gives you no "choice" in the violence is an especially weird criticism trap i see people falling into. this game was never meant to be Fallout?

and all these criticisms could be leveraged against Spec Ops?
there was literally only one moment that i thought the game was being a bit overwrought about a "violence is bad" message, and yes, it involves a dog.

other than that, i find it very confusing that "violence is bad" seems to be the biggest takeaway for so many people.
the game never once implicates the audience as a participant. the game is clearly focusing the camera on Ellie's face as she commits one of the game's most violent acts. the framing is there.
and i'm not just talking about the fan reaction here too. some reviews from writers i really respect have left me totally confused the last week or so.
and yep i was gonna add that no doubt the embargo restrictions were a big factor in the confusing critical mess.

if people are planning followup articles to expand on their initial thoughts, i'll read them for sure
and for people wondering if i'm a naughty dog shill, Uncharted 4 is kinda overrated and i thought Sam was a waste of a character
insightful thread from the writer of Spec Ops, who was also surprised that so many of us walked away with the "whoa deep, war is bad" message, and why he took away the "choice" to do violence in the game
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