ok ok I am going to try to do a thread of dislikes to practice being less compulsively agreeable
I dislike when people use hypocrisy as a trump card (oh also I definitely do this hahahahaha)

hypocrisy is vice’s tribute to virtue, if it were easy to just be virtuous we would all be awesome, lip service is occasionally even a pretty good gateway drug
I dislike when people pride themselves on productivity, it’s like socially protected martyrdom & it seems senseless & shortsighted to me

you are Ozymandias king of kings and I see lots of sand already, all you’re succeeding at is alienating yourself from ppl who have any chill
I dislike people who trust authority figures
I dislike people who are authority figures
I dislike things that are sour, things that are spicy are inexpressibly better than things that are sour
I dislike any discourse around abuse dynamics that isn’t aimed at liberating both “abusers” and “victims”, if you’re offering some people carrots and other people sticks, fuck you
I dislike notions of purity and impurity, I resent even having to brush my teeth, DON’T YOU EFFING TRY TO DOMESTICATE ME sorry for raising my voice
I dislike the utopian delusions that motivate identitarian approaches to monogamy and polyamory
I dislike most safe spaces, support groups, minority communities, etc. I belong to lots of the sort of demographics these of things aim to serve & I found them all super toxic and counterproductive; looking for belonging among people “like me” in that sense just slowed me down
I dislike expressing enthusiasm around someone who is expressing cynicism

ex I just won’t watch magic tricks with someone who thinks they’re gimmicky bc it ruins my own enthusiasm about the tricks for me for them to refuse to suspend their disbelief with me
I don’t like any of my grandparents, I resent them for all the times they were mean to my Mom and Dad
I dislike critiques of religion that completely fail to acknowledge parallel problems in secular contexts
I dislike directly requesting things I would enjoy, I prefer to get my jollies inception-style
I dislike my tendency to take things personally and/or over-interpret boundaries so I can work harder than I am asked to work to earn love and affection and then pretend I’m overachieving in relationships when really I’m being a sycophantic lil fuck L O L
I dislike virtue signalling but I esp dislike parents who go to bizarre performative lengths to avoid gendering their kids
I dislike being drunk
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