2/. Immunity is not standard for each person & it is not clear whether temporary immunity is the result of the virus mutating or because the body can’t defeat it long term.

Either way, it seems widely accepted that immunity to #COVID19 will be temporary.
https://twitter.com/adamhamdy/status/1273527148758827008?s=21 https://twitter.com/adamhamdy/status/1273527148758827008
3/. People don’t seem to understand antibodies do not equal immunity.

For our immune system, some microbes don’t leave a strong impression. (e.g. the coronaviruses that cause the cold).

Without immunity there’s no permanent vaccine & no herd immunity. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/can-you-become-immune-sars-cov-2-180974532/
5/. COVID antibody tests are being rolled out without "adequate assessment", experts in BMJ warn.

The test show if someone has developed antibodies but doesn’t prove they have immunity against future attacks or if they could transmit the virus to others. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53169618
6/. In this excellent thread, professor @BallouxFrancois says: "While there is still no established case of #COVID19 reinfection to date, it is likely those will be observed soon due to fairly fast waning antibodies." #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus #COVID #Corona https://twitter.com/BallouxFrancois/status/1277885591376535553
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