Myths about women perpetuated by sexism
-Women regret abortion or are traumatized by it
-Older women are jealous of younger women
-Women "decline" in value with age
-Women regret not having kids
-Having kids fulfills everything a woman needs
-No woman regrets having kids
-Women need men more than men need women
-Women who don't get married are unfulfilled
-All single moms are unhappy
-Pregnancy is all fun and "glowing"
-Women who work are less effective moms
-Women who don't dress up/wear make up aren't "caring for themselves"
-Being a mom and being a dad are just as hard
-Women "lose" something when they have sex with the first time
-Girls will regret it if they don't have sex for the 1st time with a husband/serious BF
-Women are inherently less funny than men
-Women's top concerns are superficial
-Women who own cats are lonely
-Women are less ambitious than men
-Women remain in abusive relationships because they are weak or don't care about their kids
-Women don't drive as well as men (I said it!)
Let me know if you have more!
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