Understand this.

Most Black Women strongly connect with the Democratic Party.

We helped reshape it to better represent us. We fought not just for seats at the table but as Chairs at the head of tables.

So when you lie about the Democratic Party, you're attacking our hard work.
2/The 116th House of Representatives is the most diverse in all its history.

We helped more women flip red seats, we fought for LGBTQA & NA representation, and the most powerful Congressional Caucus is the Black Caucus with 55 members, many on key committees, & Chair committees.
3/So when people pretend the Democratic Party has done nothing for Black Americans, they're banking on your ignorance.

They're also banking on your resentment that descendants of slaves & immigrants are progressively shaping the future of this country.

Plain old White Supremacy
4/When White Privilege screams we're the Establishment, when it attempts to discredit our votes because we didn't elevate its mediocrity, it is just carrying more water to good old White Supremacy.

Let me remind you that the "Establishment" didn't get fooled by cheap propaganda.
5/Do you ever ask yourselves what do they fucking mean when they say:

"We're going to take the Democratic Party back!"

Take the Party of Women & PoC back?


6/White Supremacy is White Supremacy no matter the disguises: Progressive, Green, or whatever divisive crap it masquerades under.

And we're never fooled by your tokenized PoC desperate for some White Privilege crumbs off your table they'd sell their academic credibility for it.
7/I'm a Democrat. A blackity black Democrat.

My party signed Civil Rights into Law. My Party ushered Healthcare Reform & economic growth.

My party is the party of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Lewis, Kamala Harris, Lauren Underwood, Jim Clyburn & I'm voting #Biden2020.
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