polaris had one of the most talented and unique kpop groups, and they let it all go to waste. if they had listened to the girls, and listened to lavelys, maybe things would've been different. we shouldn't have had to beg for the basic things that we did, and who knows if (1/?)
ladies' code would've even come back if it weren't for lavelys constantly cussing out polaris lmao. how hard was it to give them a comeback?? i don't care that they had another expensive project/group to work on, laco deserved the world and more
it just sickens me that for 2 and a half years they had to perform the same songs, majority of which they weren't even comfortable doing. and then when they did comeback the promotion was terrible, and so was the budget. lavelys were pretty much doing all the promoting
and although we're a small fandom, i think each and every one of us did what we could and even that wasn't enough. it breaks my heart so much, and i'm happy the girls can find happiness on their own now but honestly, i don't think the anger and bitterness will ever go away
if they had just..listened to laco's ideas and wants, if they had listened to lavelys, then so much would've been different. but anyways this is just my millionth rant about that company, please read this thread for more context and info https://twitter.com/choishley/status/1274787357087145984?s=19
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