#bkdk AU where Deku & Kacchan are both Quirkless professors at a university, researching Quirk Theory. They're each authoring studies in a similar subject, competing for grant money.
Their advisors suggest they co-author one study instead, an idea they despise, but they begrudgingly agree to.

"For the betterment of our knowledge," Deku says.

"Pfft, what a nerd."

"We work at the same university, in the same department. I'm pretty sure we're both nerds."
"Speak for yourself," says Kacchan smirking, but he actually notices the nerd's freckles are pretty cute.

Deku's never notice how gorgeous Kacchan's eyes are up close, even if they are super intense.
"I think better in the morning. Let's meet in the library first thing tomorrow," said Kacchan.

"Well, I work better at night," answered Deku.

"I'll buy you a coffee."

"Kacchan, we're supposed to work together. We should compromise."

"The coffee is the compromise."

Deku waited for Kacchan outside the library, two coffees in hand, sleep still clinging to his eyes. He yawned and check his watch. 7:15. Kacchan was fifteen minutes late & /he'd/ been the one to suggest the morning meeting.
Deku tried not to let the irritation fester, but he was the one trying to be accommodating here. He'd give Kacchan a piece of his mind whenever... but his jaw dropped as he noticed Kacchan striding through the quad in a tight tank top, gym bag casually slung over his shoulder.
Kacchan walked like he owned the library. Hell, like he owned the whole university. /This/ was a fellow-professor? Sure, Deku had his own workout routine. He kept his body lean and strong, but Kacchan was...ripped.
"Hey nerd. Sorry I'm late. Hope you weren't waiting too long," said Kacchan grabbing one of the coffees out Deku's hand.

"I've been here since 7:00. That's when we agreed to meet," Deku said, an obvious edge to his voice.
"Ugh, this is disgusting. Too sweet," Kacchan groaned, spitting out his first sip of coffee.

"That's because that one's mine," Deku said, grabbing his cup back, shoving the other at Kacchan. "I don't know you that well, but I've observed you enough to know you drink it black."
"Observed me?" Asked Kacchan, cocking an eyebrow. He smirked, the expression lighting his face the way a smile would on anyone else.

Deku cleared his throat and looked hard at the ground, feeling his face flush immediately.
"Well, I...I just. I like to study people."

"Like I said before," said Kacchan leaning too far into Deku's space. "You really are a nerd."

Deku gulped and followed Kacchan as he pushed past and opened the door to the library.

"So...if we look at this paragraph here..." said Deku, sliding a book across the table towards Kacchan, pointing with his pen.

"I was supposed to buy YOU the coffee," said Kacchan. Deku looked up to see Kacchan staring, his eyes bright, mischievous, yet studious.
"Oh, yeah. Well. I'm not a morning person, really. I couldn't wait to meet you. I pretty much had to grab coffee immediately and since I was already at the shop, I just thought I'd..."

"You couldn't /wait/ to meet me huh?" asked Kacchan, leaning in, ignoring the book completely.
"I couldn't wait /until/ meeting you to get coffee," Deku tried to clarify, but the in Kacchan's eye didn't falter. "So, again, if we just take this research into account..."

"Let me buy you dinner."


"Since I didn't keep my end of the bargain. I still owe you."
"Oh, Kacchan, that's okay..."

"I /want/ to buy you dinner. I said I'd buy you a coffee, but I'd rather buy you dinner." Kacchan didn't break his gaze and Deku felt goosebumps raise on his skin.

Really? Goosebumps? Over this guy?
"So, looking at this lit review..." Deku said, raising his voice, as much as he could in the library without drawing the ire of others.

"You're cute," said Kacchan, plainly, cutting him off.
"What?" asked Deku, feeling flustered. It had been a long time since anyone had called him cute. And never a guy like this.

"I've been 'observing' you too, you know. And the conclusion of my study is that you're fuckin' cute and I'd like to take you out."
Deku didn't say anything for a moment, just looked into the wild, crimson eyes that held surprising depth and...whoa, whoa, whoa, just what was happening in his brain at the moment. Another damn smirk crossed Kacchan's face and was this guy capable of any other expression?
"I uh, well, I, um...is that?" Deku looked down, the heat from Kacchan's searing gaze still bearing down on him. "Okay," he said finally. The green pools of his eyes widened as he steadied himself. The smirk fell from Kacchan's face and Deku thought he saw what? Relief?
"Okay," Kacchan repeated. Deku nodded, his face growing hot. He knew by now it must be a bright shade of pink, there was nothing for it.

Kacchan cleared his throat, then referenced the open book with his own pen. "So, if we acknowledge this passage here..."

Kacchan sat at the bar alone, checking his phone for what felt like the hundredth time. Where the hell was this nerd? He hated the way his leg fidgeted & he hated the way he was so obviously waiting for someone. It was already 8:30. The reservation had been for 8:00.
"Hey!" Deku called brightly, suddenly appearing. Kacchan nearly jumped out of his skin. Deku's green hair was slightly damp and he wore a cool, soft-looking t-shirt that clung to his frame and complemented his eyes.

"You're late," Kacchan grunted. /Great start./ He thought.
"I mean...hey, yourself. I'm glad you made it." Kacchan said. "Let me get you a drink."

"Yeah, well, you're not the only one who works out. I told you, I work better at night. I like to swim at night after work."

"I see," said Kacchan, eyeing him. Kacchan did see.
"And of course I made it. I agreed, didn't I? I would have texted but my phone's dead. What were you worried?"

Kacchan looked pointedly into his whiskey, a delicate blush creeping up his face.

"No, I wasn't worried. But...yeah, okay, I did wonder if /maybe/ you'd stood me up."
Deku looked up at him, eyes wide, mouth hanging open in what, shock?

"What? Kacchan!"

"Look, I know I ain't exactly the easiest person to get along with. We've barely crossed paths before, maybe butted heads a few times in the past...
but I've actually admired you...your work for a while. And I'd like to take the opportunity to get to know too." Kacchan held his glass like an anchor but his eyes didn't waver. Deku still looked at him in awe.

"You. You. Admired me?" asked Deku.
"Well yeah. No one has studied All Might as much as you have. You're the expert right. Honestly, I was a little jealous that you got to study with the man himself. Maybe that's why I came off like a jerk before."

"I never thought you were a jerk. I just... you intimidated me!"
"Intimidated?" asked Kacchan, leaning back a little, trying not to scowl. But Deku reached out his hand and grabbed Kacchan's wrist, sending sparks through his entire body.

"Yeah! You're amazing Kacchan!"
Kacchan cleared his throat. "So let's get you that drink and you can tell me more about how amazing I am at our table." He grinned, devilishly. Now it was Deku's turn to smirk.

"Oh, well with that attitude, I might say you're a jerk," Deku joked.
"Have you always been this confident?" He added.

"Tch. Some have called it arrogant," Kacchan answered. Deku laughed.

Kacchan ordered Deku a whiskey and whisked him off to a private booth and possibly off his feet.

"...and it really was so fascinating to see hero work up close like that. Being out in the field with All Might was the experience of a lifetime," Deku was saying animatedly, Kacchan in rapt attention across the table.

"I bet. And I'd love to hear more about it sometime,
"But I didn't ask you out to talk about work. We'll have plenty of time for that while we work on our project. I'm here tonight to get to know /you/," said Kacchan. "

Deku laughed, nervously. Damn, but this guy was forward!

"Me?" he asked. "I'm really not that interesting."
"I beg to differ. I find you very interesting." Kacchan reached his hand across the table, lightly brushing Deku's. "So tell me, what should I know about you? What makes you tick?"

"Hmm. Well, I guess, and sorry, this does relate a little to work...
"but growing up I always wanted to be a hero myself. I thought it looked really cool, ya know? Saving people. But then the years passed and...no Quirk. I guess you understand that part."

Kacchan nodded, spurring Deku on.
"So I devoted my life to study. It's not like I gave up on my dream exactly, but my dream changed. It's hard to explain to people and they never believe me. They all assume I must still be crying my eyes out every night, lamenting the fact that I can't be a hero. But...I'm not."
"I believe you," said Kacchan. "I'm really not so different myself.

Deku smiled. "You asked what made me tick. That's a tough question. I spent so much time traveling that sometimes it's hard to keep still. But I'd really like to feel grounded. I want a reason to keep still."
Kacchan took a sip of his drink. "I see," he replied.

"I think I'm finding my footing here."

"Is that so?" asked Kacchan.

"This is the first date I've been on in a while," Deku admitted. "But I hope it won't be the last."
"Oh, I don't think it will," said Kacchan, that wickedness glowing on his face anew. Deku was really starting to like that look.

"Good," said Deku, giving Kacchan's hand a squeeze. He could be flirtatious too.
"So, then if you're not ready for the night to end, maybe you'd like to come over for some dessert. I think I've got ice cream." Kacchan's eyes flicked to the table, then back up at Deku, who hadn't budged. His face was turning pink, but he didn't hesitate.
"That sounds great, Kacchan. I do love ice cream," he said, pointedly.

"I thought you might," Kacchan grinned.

"Hmm, are you always this arrogant? asked Deku.

"Tch. Some people have called it confidence."


*I'm going to expand this into a full fic in the future
Hi all! For my 1k giveaway @elaria_jupiter requested a continuation of this thread, so I'll be working on updating this story soon!! 💖
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